5 More Ways to “Gamify” Your Website (Pt. 2)

Last week, we shared with you Five Ways to “Gamify” Your Website. Here are five more to chew on… Iterate, Iterate Again Every few months, many video games are updated automatically by the designers. New characters are added, new missions—and a...

5 Ways to “Gamify” Your Website (Pt. 1)

This is the first of a two-part series on how “gamification” can improve your website and online marketing efforts.  “Gamification” has been the buzziest of buzzwords for awhile. The word means pretty much what it suggests: the application of elements of...

Say These 3 Sentences to Sound Like a Web Designer

You’re at a cocktail party. You find yourself in a conversation with a few Web designers. (You’ll know they’re designers because they’re either the most brightly or most monochromatically dressed people at the party.) You, however, aren’t a designer. You’re a...

Client Case Study: Verde Valley MFR

Client Background Verde Valley Myofascial Release is a hands on manual therapy and massage option for those who want to alleviate pain and work towards total body wellness. The company was formed by Robert Hendryx, LMT in April 2013 as a sister company to Hands On...

Web Design Matters

The truth is that we are a society of consumers. We judge everything by how it looks, feels, attracts, compares, and how it makes us feel about ourselves. Not only do we judge, but we use these connections to hold our own esteem to some degree. How would we ever think...

Top 5 Reasons to Hire a Graphic Designer

When constantly aware of the bottom line, it can be tempting for a small business owner to try and do everything for the company.  Often times the small business owner works hard to cut costs and find efficiencies at every turn, but it is important to note that some...

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